Computer Science
Pittsburgh, Pa
Other Languages
Python, PERL, PHP, C, C++, Windows Powershell
Full Stack development at a software startup from the very beggining. So I helped with day to day operations of a dev similar to the Bentley Systems position, while also helping to set up all of the development infrastructure, test sites and VMs, automated deploys with continuous integration, documentation continuous integration, team wikis, and much more.
Full Stack development using the .Net Framework, C#, Oracle, SQL Server, Angular (both JS and new Angular), and many other tools such as Telerik web components. I also helped multiple teams within the company transition from using TFS for source control to Git and Azure DevOps. This included transferring all code and history, creating branch policies, pull request policies, and teaching the teams how to use the new tools. Worked a rotation on the InspectTech team, then rotated over the the BrM team, which led to the Mayvue position.
Worked as a C# developer and worked in every part of development from Q/A to design. Used waterfall and agile scrum methodologies.
Worked as a C# developer, also worked on rapid prototyping and some web design.
Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in computer science.
Coursework Includes:
I wrote an article talking about the vulnerabilities that led to the Wannacry attacks. Read it here. Please note that this article was heavily edited before publishing because the events that I was warning about happened right before being published, but after being written.